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Zero Cleaner: Clear Cache

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Zero Cleaner is an Android application designed to optimize device performance by clearing the cache. Developed by DP Soft, it is available for free and offers a variety of features aimed at enhancing device functionality.

Key Features of Zero Cleaner

Selective Cache Clearing: Users can choose to clear the cache of specific apps, allowing for more control over the cleaning process.

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Scheduled Cache Checks: The app can be set to automatically check and highlight cache that needs clearing at regular intervals

User-Friendly Interface: It features a customizable interface with color options for a personalized user experience.

Floating Dock: This feature provides quick access to the app for on-the-go cache clearance.

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Privacy-Conscious: The app uses the Accessibility Service API to automate cache clearing without collecting or sharing user data.


  • Effective performance optimization.
  • Convenient selective and scheduled cache clearing.
  • Customizable and intuitive interface.

Zero Cleaner: Clear Cache

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  • Requires various permissions for full functionality.
  • Limited functionality compared to some competitors.
  • Some users report bugs and issues with the app not working on all devices【5†source】【6†source】【7†source】.

User Feedback

User reviews are mixed. Some users praise the app for its effectiveness in freeing up storage space and improving device performance. Others have encountered issues with the app repeatedly asking for permissions or failing to clear cache as advertised【6†source】【8†source】.

Overall, Zero Cleaner can be a useful tool for managing cache on Android devices, though it may not work perfectly for everyone. For users seeking alternatives, apps like 1Tap Cleaner and Phone Cleaner are also highly rated in the same category【6†source】.

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